When Joe Smith was in high school, he played football for Manchester High School. After…

Honoring Our Volunteers During National Volunteer Week
Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare, an affiliate of Ohio’s Hospice, is celebrating National Volunteer Week, April 18-24. The not-for-profit hospice is grateful for the contributions of its volunteers and the work they do each and every day to support our staff in providing superior care and superior services to the patients and families we have the privilege of serving.
Volunteers provide a variety of services throughout the community. Visiting with patients, delivering supplies, assisting with office duties, and making keepsake items for patients and families are just a few ways volunteers donate their time. In addition, Veteran volunteers are a part of the American Pride® Veteran Care by Ohio’s Hospice by performing Veteran recognition ceremonies to honor the service of Veteran patients.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many volunteer activities were put on hold. However, volunteers have been very willing to provide any support they can by volunteering in new ways. During the past year, volunteers have delivered medication and supplies, kept in contact with patients by phone and through cards and letters, and provided office support. Below are some highlights of our volunteers serving our mission throughout the pandemic.
- Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteer Keith Ewald decided to make face shields for Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare staff. With the help of local businesses, Keith created face shields that provided peace of mind to the care teams. Click here to read the full story.
- When in-person volunteer opportunities were limited due to COVID-19 restrictions, volunteer Pam Ewald began sewing face masks for her immediate family members and the staff at Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare. Pam has made hundreds of masks. Click here to read the full story.
- When the inpatient clinical team at Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare mentioned that they were experiencing some discomfort to their ears from wearing masks throughout their shift, volunteer Brenda Norris and her friend, Deb Croup, crocheted 50 face mask extenders. Click here to read the full story.
- In August 2020, we held our Camp Waves of Emotion grief camp for children who have experienced the loss of a loved one or an anticipated loss. Volunteers assisted with the camp as children participated in camp activities. Click here to read the full story.
- In addition, Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare recently launched a $2.5 million campaign to create a dedicated building for its Volunteer Services, Pathways of Hope℠ Grief Counseling Center, and Mobile Care Unit transportation hub and service and support. When the Center for Supportive Care is completed, it will provide a larger gathering space for training and seminars for both volunteers and the community. Click here to read the full story.
Thank you to our volunteers for their continued support of our mission. Volunteers are truly the heart of hospice care.

We invite you take a moment to read about some of our volunteers at Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare and how they serve our mission.
- Wayne Giesler, a retired chaplain, has been a volunteer since 1991. He visits patients in nursing homes and in the Stanley C. and Flo K. Gault Inpatient Pavilion at Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare. He has greeted and assisted visitors as they arrive to visit loved ones. He also has made chaplain visits. He is grateful for the opportunity to help patients and families draw on their faith system during a stressful time in their lives. He is looking forward to the opening of the Center for Supportive Care because it will provide a more flexible and open space for the volunteers’ training and enrichment.
- Evelyn Musselman has been a volunteer for 12 years because she wants to give back to Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare. Her favorite memory is sitting with a dying patient while holding her hand. At one point, the patient opened her eyes and said thank you to Evelyn.
- Karen Wood has been a volunteer since 2009. Some of her responsibilities include being a part of the Being There Team, working the welcome desk, providing respite care, and participating in volunteer projects. Here favorite memories are singing with patients and families. She is looking forward to having volunteer monthly meetings in the new Center for Supportive Care.
- Linda Lowe has been volunteering for 17 years. She currently assists in the supply room with packaging. Her most rewarding experience as a volunteer is working one-on-one with a patient.
- Craig Rowland has been a volunteer for three years. He provides hearing aids to patients. His favorite memory is receiving a letter from the wife of a patient who received hearing aids. She told him that the last weeks of his life were the best time they had together since he became ill.
- Dianne Halloran started volunteering in 2018. She provides respite care to relieve primary caregivers. Her favorite memory is sitting with a patient who shared life story and showed her pictures on his computer.
- Carol Remington has been volunteering for 20 years. She makes in-home visits and works at the welcome desk at the Stanley C. and Flo K. Gault Inpatient Pavilion. She is looking forward to the Center for Supportive Care because it will provide more designated space to meet the needs of the caregivers and their families.
- Angie Davis has been a volunteer for one year because she wanted to give back after her mother received care. She works in the supply room and at the front desk.
- Diane Clark has been a volunteer for six years. She wanted to give back after her family received care from Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare. Diane visits with patients in their homes or at nursing homes. She is looking forward to the Center for Supportive Care because it will provide volunteers the opportunity to gather and share experiences and receive education.
- Kathy Mast has been volunteering since 2007. During her patient visits, she reads books, shares music, brings flowers, and helps with meals. At the Stanley C. and Flo K. Gault Inpatient Pavilion, she takes lunch orders and delivers them to patients and families. Over her years of service, there are many people who have touched her heart.
- Wendy Fetter has been volunteering for four months. She enjoys serving others through patient visits, meal assistance, deliveries and working the welcome desk. Wendy is looking forward to the Center for Supportive Care providing a space to convene, prepare for patient visits, and document patient visits.
- Kathie Clyde has been a volunteer for two years because she wanted to walk beside others in their end-of-life journey. Her most memorable experience was singing to a nonverbal patient. She is looking forward to the large group space at the Center for Supportive Care.
- Emily Finley has been a volunteer for three years because she wanted to give back to the community. Her primary role is serving as a volunteer at the Stanley C. and Flo K. Gault Inpatient Pavilion. Her most memorable experience is helping with Camp Waves of Emotion, a grief camp for children.
- Sue Madick has been a volunteer for eight years. She became a volunteer to offer support to patients and families during a difficult time in their lives. Her favorite part of volunteering is being able to make a difference. She has made lasting friendships throughout her years of service.
- Shannon Pyers recently started volunteering at Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare. She enjoys connecting with our community and contribute to a cause that she is passionate about. Her most memorable experience has been delivering Christmas gifts to patients and families.
- Paul Daiber has been a volunteer for five years. He welcomes guests at the Stanley C. and Flo K. Gault Inpatient Pavilion. Paul enjoys visiting patients at nursing homes. The Center for Supportive Care will give him more opportunities to serve the community.
- Lorie Meister has been a volunteer for two years. She became a volunteer because Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare cared for her brother and a friend. Lorie is looking forward to the Center for Supportive Care because It shows a value is placed upon the volunteer program.
- Royce Hubert has been a volunteer for two years. As a volunteer, he provides respite care, visits with patients and is being trained to be a part of the Being There Team. His favorite memory is decorating a Christmas tree with candy canes with a patient’s grandchildren during a respite care visit. Royce says the Center for Supportive Care will give volunteers much-needed space for meetings, training and preparing craft materials.
- Sharon Nivin Pooler has been a volunteer since 2007. She volunteers her time by offering pet therapy, assisting with fundraisers and Camp Waves of Emotion, and serves on the Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare board. She enjoys meeting people and knowing that she has helped them in some way. Sharon says that the Center for Supportive Care will allow volunteers to provide support at a greater level.
- Joanne Downs has been volunteering for six months after her husband received hospice care. She provides office support and respite care. She enjoys meeting patients and their loved ones.
- Cheryl Steiner has been a volunteer for one year. She provides weekly support in the Stanley C. and Flo K. Gault Inpatient Pavilion. She helps with meals, offers beverages, listens to concerns, and offers companionship. Cheryl’s favorite memory is seeing the loving devotion of a patient’s husband.
- Brenda Norris has been a volunteer since 2017. She offers support and companionship while making patient visits at a nursing home. Her favorite memory is visiting with a patient while being a part of the Being There Team. Brenda is looking forward to the Center for Supportive Care because it will provide room for additional training.
- Sue Snavely has been volunteering for more than five years. She provides respite care. She enjoys meeting new people while volunteering.
- Lori Everett has been a volunteer for one year. She started volunteering because she wanted to help others. She enjoys developing relationships with the patients she meets. Lori is looking forward to having a learning space in the new Center for Supportive Care.
If you would like to learn more about volunteering, click here.